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When did you first realise you were different?


I can't pin point it really. I guess it was just always that way from a really young age as people would always point it out positively (like hair dressers and elderly women stopping me and telling me how lovely my hair was), and negatively (bullying).


What negative attention did you get from being a red head and when did you experience it?


I suppose mostly name calling or being pointed out as different in primary school and high school. It’s hard to recall, it was a long time ago and I’ve learned to just forget about it as I got older since it all stopped when I got to tertiary education. Kids in school are just toxic and always will be, if I had to think of a reason why, the bullying was never really about the hair so to speak, there will always just be nasty kid’s and bully’s. At that age I think they will find anything different about a person, most likely looks and latch on to that as a crux or excuse for bullying.Coming out of high school things were a lot better, more mature, and to an extent I mostly forgot I was a Ginger as people never ever felt the need to point it out. At least the people, who did, said nice things from then on.


What positive impact have you had as being a red head?


I learned to embrace something different about myself as being unique. I learned as I was older more people like it than those who don’t, It’s also one of the things my Girlfriend especially loves about me. I also managed to develop a sense of humour about it, jokes about Gingers I found humour in and never took offense as they were just jokes and I love comedy. One of my personal favourite episodes of South Park will always be the Ginger Kids episode. The longer you hold and apply meaning to certain words and give them power over you, the longer they will continue to have power over you and hurt you. It taught me to have a thicker skin and learn from an earlier age that shitty people will always exist. It’s what you’re going to have to maturely handle by learning not to care about the things other people say or do. You can learn to surround yourself with the right people, remove the wrong people or speak up to someone who will help you.

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